We returned the grandkids safe and sound to their parents and pointed the bus west again. Diane had never visited Sedona although I had a few years ago. Also, about 12 years ago I crewed for a couple, Mark and Winnie, in the Caribbean 1500, a 1500 ocean race/rally starting in Hampton, VA and finishing in Virgin Gorda. Mark is a retired attorney and Winnie is a former Ballerina! Their boat, a 47' Tayana is named the Gran Jete! I'd never met them prior to the race and we hit it off quite well. They had sailed on to Europe after the race and for the next ten years sailed to exotic places in the Med like Greece, Israel and Malta just to name a few. We had exchanged a few emails over the years and a couple years ago they returned to the states and bought a lovely home in Sedona. We all agreed it was past time for us to get together again. The drive out was uneventful other than some rather windy days, but we very much enjoyed the scenery. Mountains! All shapes and sizes.
One day I took Diana to see Montezuma's Castle. It is estimated to have been inhabited from about 1200 to 1450 AD. Pretty amazing.
Mark and Winnie were excellent and gracious tour guides. They introduced us to a most interesting town...Jerome, AZ. The drive up was an event to remember, climbing about a 1000' up a winding, twisting road to this little town carved into the hillside. It has many art studios, unigue restaurants, antique stores and interesting homes.
The vista looking out from town:
A little church in the midst of an array of shops:
An interesing item outside an antique shop...an ancient movie projector:
Winnie and Diana "hat shopping":
It was great to see Mark and Winnie and meet their new dog Jake. We'll be expecting them in Vero sometime soon we hope. Great people!
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